
7 simple hacks to increase productivity

Productivity does not have a specific definition. It depends on the efficiency of each individual. Sometimes you experience huge work- load that requires high productivity. There are two ways to overcome this issue i.e. hard work or smart work. In general, the latter is preferable to become more effective. You should prepare a structure of the assigned job along with set deadlines for the purpose of time management. There are very simple strategies that help increase our productivity.

Prepare a job structure

You should frame a structure of the projects before you start working on them. You can jot down the requirements of the tasks and categorize them under sub heads. This will help in analyzing the contents you have to write. It will also give an estimate on the length of the task and time required to complete the same. Preparation of structure also gives you a brief idea to research about the topics.

Set a time for thorough research on the topic

Most of the projects require a thorough research to have a clear idea on current affairs and recent updates. Sometimes you research about the topic to get better understanding and different opinions. This might take ample of time and even more than you expect. Therefore, you always need to plan and estimate the time slot for the purpose of research for each topic. This is one of the time management strategies you should apply to increase your productivity.  

Track the time allotted in previous tasks

You should track the time you spent on previous projects and the amount of time you need to spend on new projects. In most of the cases, it is seen that freelancers are not able to accurately estimate the pace of work. Hence, you should assess the time spent on completed tasks and reschedule the time to be allotted on new projects. This process will be a guide to improve the productivity by imposing minimum possible time.

Set deadlines on each segment of the task

You should set deadlines for your tasks as well as for different segments. This will give you an idea about the amount of time to be spent on each part of your work. If you impose deadlines in your work structure, it will help you working faster. It helps you to increase your efficiency and boosts your confidence. Without a target date, you tend to stick with a single task that hampers your capability. You should also set a time limit for research and the reading process else, you end up spending the whole day for the said purpose. You should take efforts to achieve your set deadlines and compare with previous ones. This strategy in pursuing work will definitely increase the productivity over the time.  

Avoid meetings and phone calls

A Phone is one of the unavoidable gadgets in recent times, but at the same time, it is the most distracting device. Unnecessary meetings and phone calls are some of the distracting sources that disturb your productivity. You fail to focus on your work as well as lose confidence to present projects in a better way. Therefore, you should avoid such interruptions to enhance your skill and competence. Sometimes you come under situations where you have to attend several meetings with your peers. Try to avoid such meetings, as it tends to divert your concentration and work flow. However, this does not mean you have to avoid all your meetings and phone calls. You can always attend in case there is some emergency. You only need to plan the structure wisely to increase the productivity.

Take regular breaks

Continuous work becomes monotonous and makes you feel lethargic. Thus, to avoid this situation, make sure you take regular small breaks. It totally depends on your work for the purpose of regular intervals, as there is no hard and fast rule. You can plan your daily schedule and take breaks as per your convenience. Regular breaks include small walks, napping and some stretching, other than a lunch break. These activities relax your mind and gives you power to work more efficiently. It also lets you brainstorm ideas to improve your knowledge and productivity in having a successful business.

Avoid multitasking

Another strategy that helps to increase your productivity is to avoid multitasking. You cannot specialize in various jobs at a time. Other than that, it is very difficult to focus when you are piled up with different types of work at the same time. You cannot develop your skills by working on numerous types of works. In order to increase your production without compromising on quality, you need to focus on a single type of job. Find your area of interest and work on the same rather than on different areas.

It can be observed that the strategies are quite simple to boost your productivity. Incorporate these simple steps in your work system for a successful career. It is always said that “practice makes a man perfect” so involve yourself in a single type of job to develop your knowledge, skill and creativity.

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